Yesterday I had burgers and fries with these two gentlemen:

Gregor and Joe were kind enough to head to my neck of the woods for a mid-week break and I enjoyed it immensely. We talked for well over two hours and covered all kinds of ground with candor and humor.
Careers, writing, online origin stories, mid-life hurdles… it was all fair game. The conversation was refreshing and much-needed.
We ended on an interesting note that I’d like to explore more in-depth in a future post: the different journeys we each took until we ended up getting involved in the Homebrew Website Club, a friendly social group that meets about every two weeks over zoom to encourage each other with our personal projects.
I say future because oof am I beat today and just hitting publish on this is a minor victory.
Just Keep Swimming
This week’s post is a short one just to keep the weekly cadence going. Sometimes the writing just flows like it did last week, where I had the bare bones written out about 5 days early and even had enough time to send a draft around for feedback. I spent days adding and swapping out the photos, the layout, captions, getting everything just right.
And then there are weeks like this one, where life gets in the way and is draining on every level, so it’s a win just to pop something up an hour before my self-imposed Wednesday deadline expires.
I’ll take the base hit this time, it’s cool. As Joe likes to say: Onward